
你如何成为所选领域的专家, able to think broadly and creatively with a passion for lifelong learning? 在卡罗尔管理学院, we help students find the answers every day—with our dual focus on dedicated teaching and top-level research by a world-renowned faculty.




The Connell School prepares students to thrive as compassionate nurse leaders in the classroom, 在社区中, 在实践中, 通过电子游戏正规平台.  Internationally recognized faculty experts are passionate about teaching, 推进临床科学, and empowering new generations of nurses to transform health care around the globe.

Prospective students interested in 全球公共卫生和共同利益 major should apply to MCAS then apply to the GPH&CG program during the spring semester of their first year. 如果被录取,学生将转入CSON. 


The Lynch School empowers students to build a more just world by developing innovative approaches to urgent issues. We equip students to transform their lives and their communities through a variety of majors, 未成年人, 以及证书课程.

莫里西艺术学院 & 科学

Our first and largest undergraduate college—educating leaders since 1863. Morrissey College programs span the humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences. The range of undergraduate and graduate offerings invites students to experience many approaches to the disciplines, 拓展他们的视野, 以新的方式与世界接触.

**Prospective students interested in 全球公共卫生和共同利益 major should apply to MCAS then apply to the GPH&CG program during the spring semester of their first year. 如果被录取,学生将转入CSON. 

The 核心课程 is a 15-course program required of all 电子游戏软件 undergraduates. 


The 电子游戏软件 核心课程 guides students on journeys of interdisciplinary inquiry to discover how to think about the world. 学生探索认识和存在的新途径, 帮助他们认清自己想成为什么样的人, 他们想要怎样生活,为什么.


复杂的问题 & 持久的问题

只对一年级学生开放, 复杂的问题 and 持久的问题 courses explore compelling issues and subjects crucial to the human experience.


A six-credit course, team-taught by professors from different disciplines, 满足两个核心要求. It consists of three 50-minute lectures and one 75-minute lab session each week, along with a weekly meeting during the evening for reflection and integration.


Two linked courses taught by professors from different disciplines who collaborate in choosing shared readings and other class materials. The same group of 19 students takes each class, which meets for 150 minutes per week. Four evening meetings for reflection and integration take place in the semester. Taken together, the courses are worth six credits and fulfill two Core requirements.
